
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Internal affairs division raids 3 Greek police stations in investigation into extremist party

by  Associated Press 3 Greek police stations raided in far-right probe Associated Press - 24 September 2013 09:14-04:00

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Officers from the Greek police's internal affairs division are raiding three police stations as part of an investigation into the activities of the extremist right-wing Golden Dawn party, after the fatal stabbing of an anti-fascist musician last week by a man who said he was involved with the party.

Police officials said internal affairs was investigating the police stations in three neighborhoods west of Athens where attacks against immigrants had been reported. The move Tuesday comes a day after the government replaced five senior police officers "to ensure the absolute objectivity" of the investigation.

Public Order Minister Nikos Dendias met with the country's president to discuss the crackdown against Golden Dawn, sparked by the death of Pavlos Fyssas, a rap singer stabbed last Wednesday.

News Topics: General news, Criminal investigations, Police, Law and order, Crime, Law enforcement agencies, Government and politics

People, Places and Companies: Greece, Athens, Western Europe, Europe

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