
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Greek Researchers Say Beer Good for Heart

Right now, in every bar across this country, someone is encouraging their friends to have another because ?it?s been proven to be good for you.? Whether or not they can quote an exact study or locate the university where tests have been done, many people believe that ?moderate consumption? improves mood (certainly in the short term!), helps digestion, and is ?good for the heart.? In fact, some happy drinkers go so far as to claim that beer will lower your chance of a heart attack. Well, researchers in Athens, Greece decided to test those very claims. To explore the effect of beer consumption on cardiovascular (CV) risk, they brought in 17 healthy, non-smoking men in their 20s and 30s in order to study how they were affected by the individual components of beer ? alcohol and antioxidants.