
Monday, September 30, 2013

Greek Prime Minister Samaras in Historic Visit to St. Nicholas of Flushing

NEW YORK ? A day after sending a powerful signal inside and outside Greece ? by ordering the arrest of the leadership of Golden Dawn - that the coalition that governs the country will not stand idly by as extremist and racist elements seek to undermine Democracy and besmirch Greece?s image abroad, Antonis Samaras, the Prime Minister of Greece, arrived in New York on September 28 for this second whirlwind visit to the United States in six weeks. Sunday began with an historic visit to the Church of St. Nicholas in Flushing New York followed by a reception for community leaders and a meeting with the community?s media outlets at the Greek Consulate. Samaras? schedule for Monday is filled with events such as a breakfast with the American Jewish Committee and meetings with financial industry representatives.