
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Greece Probes Golden Dawn Military Connection

ATHENS - The Greek authorities have launched an inquiry into allegations that members of the country's armed forces have helped to train hit squads formed by the far-right Golden Dawn party. The Defence Minister, Dimitris Avramopoulos, ordered the investigation as Greece's governing coalition exhibited new resolve to clamp down on the 'criminal organization' after a Greek musician was stabbed to death by one of the group's supporters. Highlighting the menace right-wing extremism now poses in a nation hobbled by economic collapse and political division, the country's President Karolos Papoulias said that his top priority was to protect Greeks from neo-fascism. 'From the time I was a young man I fought fascism and Nazism,' he told reporters as he went into talks with the left-wing main opposition leader Alexis Tsipras. 'It is my supreme duty as President of the Republic to defend democracy and the Greek people from the storm that is approaching.'