
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Greece Cracks Down On Neo-Nazis, Fascists

Source: - Sunday, September 29, 2013Down With Tyranny blogger Howie Klein draws a strong contrast between Greece, whose citizens and government have had it with the rise of fascist movements, with the United States, where John Boehner stands by passively as a radical fringe hijacks his caucus : Obama and Boehner are both victims of the rise of far right populism in the U.S. Boehner, much like the mainstream conservatives in Weimar Germany in the 1930s, has buckled under to it. Obama hasn’t. The same exact strain of toxic right-wing populism– whether you want to call it Tea Party, Nazi, Fascist or Golden Dawn– has catapulted to the third biggest party in Greece, with 18 Deputies in Parliament. And over the weekend, Greek anti-terrorism police arrested party fuehrer Nikos Michaloliakos and rounded up many of his top lieutenants, including three sitting members of Parliament. They have been charged with forming a criminal organization. This is more than a pretty big deal in Greece, whose economy has been decimated by an EU economic policy that turned the nation into an incubator for hard-right extremism. Michaloliakos’ arrest has some serious ramifications for the struggling nation : Greek police have mounted an unprecedented crackdown on the neo-fascist Golden Dawn party, arresting its leader, three MPs, and more than a dozen other key members. As the prime minister, Antonis Samaras, held emergency talks on Saturday with his public order and justice ministers, Nikos All Related