
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cyprus coach Nikos Nioplias resigns after World Cup qualifying loss to Slovenia

by  Associated Press Cyprus coach quits after loss to Slovenia Associated Press - 12 September 2013 07:57-04:00

NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — Cyprus coach Nikos Nioplias has resigned in the wake of the country's poor showing in World Cup qualifying.

A statement posted on the Cyprus Football Association's website says Nioplias offered his resignation after the country's 2-0 loss to Slovenia on Tuesday.

An interim coaching staff will lead the team in its final two qualifying matches against Albania and Iceland next month before the search for a new coach begins.

Cyprus has only one victory and a draw in six qualifying games and is last in Group E with four points.

Nioplias, a Greek national who assumed coaching duties in June 2011, said after the loss to Slovenia that he's pessimistic about Cyprus' future because of a lack of good players.

News Topics: International soccer, Soccer, Sports, 2014 FIFA World Cup, FIFA World Cup, Men's soccer, Events, Men's sports

People, Places and Companies: Cyprus, Slovenia, Western Europe, Europe, Eastern Europe

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