
Friday, September 6, 2013

BC-AP--AP Europe News Digest at 1100 GMT, AP

by  Associated Press BC-AP--AP Europe News Digest at 1100 GMT, AP Associated Press - 6 September 2013 07:12-04:00



ST. PETERSBURG, Russia — President Barack Obama is using his last day in Europe to renew his quest for foreign support for a U.S. military strike in Syria. But three days after he left Washington, it's unclear whether the global coalition the president has been seeking is any closer to becoming a reality. By Josh Lederman.

AP photos.


THE HAGUE, Netherlands — The Dutch Supreme Court rules that the Netherlands was liable for the deaths of three Bosnian Muslim men during the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, even though its forces there were part of a U.N. peacekeeping mission. The decision upheld a 2011 appeals court judgment that was seen as setting a worrying precedent for countries providing troops for United Nations peacekeeping forces, because it held the Dutch state responsible for events that happened during a U.N. mission. By Mike Corder. Moved 700 words.

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BRUSSELS — The European Union's top court has thrown out sanctions that were imposed against several Iranian businesses for their alleged ties to the country's disputed nuclear program. The European Court of Justice in Luxembourg ruled on Friday that there was not sufficient evidence to justify the sanctions imposed by the 28-nation bloc on eight Iranian banks and companies. Upcoming by 1100 GMT. 600 words.


MOSCOW — Russian state news agency Interfax is reporting that another Russian ship on the Black Sea has departed for Syria. Citing a source at navy headquarters, it says the landing ship left the Black Sea port of Sevastopol on Friday morning for the Eastern Mediterranean with "special cargo." 130 words.


ZAGREB, Croatia — Zvonko Busic, a Croatian nationalist who served 32 years in prison in the U.S. for hijacking a plane and also planting explosives that killed a policeman, has committed suicide. He was 67. Police said Busic was found dead Sunday at his home in Rovanjska, near the coastal town of Zadar. They said he left a suicide note. Moved 270 words.


WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency, working with the British government, has secretly been unraveling encryption technology that billions of Internet users rely upon to keep their electronic messages and confidential data safe from prying eyes, according to published reports Thursday based on internal U.S. government documents. The NSA has bypassed or altogether cracked much of the digital encryption used by businesses and everyday Web users, according to reports in The New York Times, Britain's Guardian newspaper and the nonprofit news website ProPublica. The reports describe how the NSA invested billions of dollars since 2000 to make nearly everyone's secrets available for government consumption. By Jack Gillum. Moved 800 words.

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ST. PETERSBURG, Russia — While world powers argue over how to end Syria's civil war, Britain's prime minister and the U.N. chief are trying to get rich countries to pitch in more money to help its victims. Britain's David Cameron hosted a meeting of donor countries at the Group of 20 summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Friday. 130 words moved.

AP Photos VLM108-0906130811, VLM110-0906130809.


BERLIN — Police raided a Christian sect in southern Germany and took 40 children from them on allegations they were being physically abused, authorities said Friday. Bavarian police said the children of the so-called "Twelve Tribes" sect were taken into protective custody the day before as investigators look into allegations that they were being beaten and otherwise physically punished. 300 words. To be updated with more details.



ST. PETERSBURG, Russia — It's time to make Google, Apple and other multinational companies pay more taxes. That's the message from President Barack Obama and leaders of the world's other leading economies this week. The head of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Angel Gurria, told The Associated Press on Friday that the leaders signed on to the new tax plan at the Group of 20 summit in St. Petersburg, Russia. By Angela Charlton. SENT 130 words, photos. UPCOMING: to be updated around 1230 GMT to about 600 words


DUBLIN — The Irish government says it wants the European Union to grant it a new precautionary line of credit worth a potential 10 billion euros ($13 billion) to ease its planned exit this year from an international bailout. Finance Minister Michael Noonan says Ireland wants the credit line only as a safeguard "to give confidence to our lenders." By Shawn Pogatchnik. SENT 130 words. UPCOMING: to be updated around 1200 GMT to about 500 words


LONDON — Stock markets were tentative Friday ahead of the latest U.S. jobs report, the most important monthly indicator for the world's largest economy. Jitters remained over Syria's civil war and whether the U.S. would launch a punitive strike against President Bashar Assad's regime for a chemical attack against civilians in suburban Damascus last month. But at the G-20 summit of world leaders in Russia this week, President Barack Obama failed to garner much support for military intervention. By Carlo Piovano. SENT 520 words, photos. UPCOMING: to be updated 1250 GMT and 1350 GMT


BERLIN — Germany's exports dropped unexpectedly in July and industrial production fell, even as the economies of the countries using the euro showed signs of improvement, according to two reports Friday. The Federal Statistical Office said German exports dropped 1.1 percent in July over June when adjusted for seasonal and calendar differences. Economists had predicted a 0.7 percent rise, the dpa news agency reported. SENT 223 words


ATHENS, Greece — High tourism revenues helped Greece's battered economy shrink less than initially estimated in April-June, making a projected exit from recession next year more likely. The country's statistical authority said Friday that the second quarter contraction was 3.8 percent, considerably better than last month's flash estimate of 4.8 percent. SENT 130 words


LONDON — A war of words between media titans over who approved oversized severance payments to outgoing BBC executives is set to move into Parliament. BBC Trust Chairman Chris Patten said Friday he is looking forward to Monday's parliamentary inquiry. SENT 130 words.



Germany, Italy and the Netherlands will move to the brink of qualification for the 2014 World Cup with victories in group matches on a busy night of European qualifying in which France and Spain play away games as they continue to slug it out atop Group I. With separates. By Steve Douglas.


MONZA, Italy — Lewis Hamilton posts the fastest time in the first practice session for the Italian Grand Prix, with championship leader Sebastian Vettel fourth quickest. By Daniella Matar.


BRUSSELS — Self-proclaimed living legend Usain Bolt closes out his 2013 season with a 100 against Justin Gatlin in the Van Damme Memorial. By John Leicester.

News Topics: General news, Summits, Economy, News industry, Financial crisis, G-20 Summit, Government and politics, Computer and data security, Peacekeeping forces, National security, Intelligence agencies, International relations, Business, Media industry, Media and entertainment industry, Industries, Financial markets, Events, Computing and information technology, Technology, Armed forces, Military and defense

People, Places and Companies: Barack Obama, Bashar Assad, Chris Patten, Saint Petersburg, Europe, Russia, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Croatia, Germany, Syria, United States, Greece, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Middle East, North America

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