
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Alabama Sorority Girls Allegedly Promised Free Drinks If They Voted In Local Elections

University of Alabama sorority members were allegedly offered free drinks and limo rides if they voted in the local Tuscaloosa City Board of Education elections, according to an email sent out to UA's Chi Omega chapter. reports that a member of Chi O's executive board encouraged sorority members to vote for two UA alums running in separate races, and promised free drinks at local bars and hummer limo rides to the polls. From, the email to the sorority reads:   

In a list that was e-mailed to me this weekend, y'all are the only [members] registered in the specific district that are allowed to vote ... Cason Kirby, a past SGA president of the University of Alabama is running for the City Board of Education, and Lee Garrison a UA Alum is also running.

They would really appreciate/need your vote to win this election. It's going to be really tight, and it is SO IMPORTANT that they get the Greek Vote. I told both of them that I would do my best to make sure that I got every Chi O that was registered to the polls. There is a big incentive for you going as well!!

Sorority members were enticed with five "incentives," including "points" in both a UA Panhellenic and internal house ranking system, as well as limo rides and drinks at two bars that were being rented out.

Both Cason Kirby and Lee Garrison won their races with a slim margin, so it seems like their appeal to the sorority helped put them in office. 

(h/t Gawker)

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