
Monday, July 15, 2013

IOC, IAAF look at bright side of new doping cases

FILE - In this Sept. 12, 2009 file photo Tyson Gay, left, of the United States and Asafa Powell from Jamaica compete in men's 100 meters during an IAAF World Athletics Final at Thessaloniki's Kaftanzoglio stadium, Greece. Former 100-meter world-record holder Asafa Powell and Jamaican teammate Sherone Simpson have each tested positive for banned stimulants, according to their agent. Paul Doyle told The Associated Press on Sunday, July 14, 2013 that they tested positive for the stimulant oxilofrine at the Jamaican championships and were just recently notified. The news came the same day that American 100-meter record holder Tyson Gay revealed that he also failed a drug test. (AP Photo/Thannasis Stavrakis, File)LONDON (AP) — International officials are looking at the bright side of the latest doping scandals to jolt track and field.