
Thursday, July 18, 2013

European Commission split on Troika


A day after European Commission Vice-president, Viviane Reding said that "the Troika's time is over," the Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn has slapped her down for her remarks.

"The troika was set up on the initiative of the euro area member states in 2010 as a key element of our response to the crisis facing Greece," Rehn told Reuters.

"None of these situations are easy, but that makes it all the more important that we can draw on the combined and complementary expertise of three institutions," he said.

He continued, "We should certainly explore ways to optimize the governance of the euro area, including its crisis management mechanisms, That will be the right time and context to discuss whether and in what form to maintain the troika model."

To complete the inter-instuitutional disagreements, Pascal Lamy, former Trade commissioner and now head of the World Trade Organisation, has taken President Barroso to task on the commission chief's disparaging remarks about France.

Barroso said “They are culturally extremely reactionary," regarding the French successful removal of audiovisual services from the forthcoming EU-US trade talks.

“I think it is a big political mistake, it is a serious misunderstanding. The European Union Treaty recognises cultural diversity as a possible obstacle to market opening, because the view is that culture products are not just like socks,” said Lamy.