
Thursday, June 20, 2013

June's Infringements package announced


The European Commission (EC) announced June’s Infringements package. EC took 186 decisions, and referred 12 cases to the European Union's Court of Justice.

The four cases out of the Infringements package concerning fining national governments were: (i) Environment: waste management in Campania, Italy; (ii) Transport: Belgian rules on intelligent transport systems; (iii) Maritime safety: Belgian rules on the investigation of maritime accidents; (iv) and Energy efficiency in buildings: failure of the Portuguese government to transpose EU rules.

Other cases referred to the Court of Justice were: (i) Customs: failure of the Bulgarian government to review duty and tax relief in its agreement with USA; (ii) Environment: failure of the Greek government to guarantee that water pollution by nitrates is addressed effectively; (iii) Internal Market: decision of the Hungarian government to impose restrictive conditions on the issuing of luncheon vouchers and other benefits in kind; (iv) Human Rights: ambiguous laws of the Dutch government on students fare discrimination; (v) GMO: failure of the Polish government to set up registers for recording the location of GMOs grown; (vi) Internal gas market: decision of the Polish Government to over regulate gas prices for business consumers; (vii) Transport:  ambiguous laws of the Spanish government over rules for the recruitment of port workers; (viii) and Animal Health: failure of the  Swedish government to end paratuberculosis testing on bovines.

A number of other reasoned opinions published on June’s Infringements package. Most of the cases, were about Transport, Environment, taxation and public procurement.

If you want to read the full package please click here