
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

For Cyprus, reunification remains the ultimate aim

With the economy still fragile, a rushed solution would be perilous

Jonathan Steele's claim that Cyprus's President Anastasiades is hesitant to engage in negotiations on the Cyprus problem could not be further from the truth (Why Greek Cypriots need to get serious about peace, 3 June). In fact, no one in the international community, including in Turkey, seriously doubts his commitment to the reunification of the island. He would not, however, be a responsible leader if, at a time when the country is fighting to avoid bankruptcy, he did not dedicate all his effort and time towards stabilising its economy.

Steele says: "The argument that his community's economic crisis is so complex that time does not permit him to concentrate on peace talks does not hold much water." This begs the question: how can you ensure the viability of any solution if Greek Cypriots, and indeed the economy of the island, cannot sustain the cost of reunification?

The reasons for not engaging in talks straight away are anything but "obscure", as Steele suggests. President Anastasiades, time and again, stated that the success of negotiations can only be guaranteed if they are preceded by careful preparation. The example of 2008, when negotiations failed for lack of preparation, should not be repeated.

Steele accuses the Cyprus government of backing "new pin-pricks against the Turkish side when parliament passed a bill that would deny free medical treatment to Turkish Cypriots". If there has been discrimination with regard to Turkish Cypriots, it is only a positive one. For more than 10 years, they have been receiving free healthcare and other social benefits, without paying any taxes and without making any contributions to social insurance funds. They even had priority over the other citizens in state hospitals. At a time when such benefits are being dramatically curtailed for Greek Cypriot taxpayers, it would be unfair to maintain such privilege.

The Cyprus government remains committed to positive action aimed at promoting reunification. Such steps cannot, however, ignore economic realities. The new law serves this aim by treating Turkish Cypriots in the same manner as the other citizens of the republic.

Steele says: "The best chance of success came in 2004 when the then UN secretary general Kofi Annan produced a plan for a federation of the two parts of the island … Nearly two-thirds of Turks supported it but … less than a quarter of the Greeks did." Let me point out first that Greek Cypriots for 30 years accepted every single UN plan, while the Turkish side rejected each one. Greek Cypriots rejected the Annan plan because it was awash with provisions, aimed at satisfying Turkey's strategic interests, including the right of unilateral military intervention on the island.

Second, the plan was rejected in the most democratic manner possible – through a referendum. This should have been the end of the story. But the will of the people is constantly being questioned by otherwise staunch "defenders" of the democratic principles.

As for the "growing northern Cyprus economy", it is entirely reliant on subsidies from Turkey, let alone the fact that it has been built on the exploitation of stolen and usurped Greek Cypriot properties in the occupied part of the country. © 2013 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds