
Sunday, May 26, 2013

For the record

Our piece on the Eurovision song contest, "Even hair 'bigger than Estonia' can't save UK's Bonnie Tyler from Eurovision disaster" (News, later editions, last week, page 5), wrongly said that Greece was placed fourth. It came sixth; Norway came fourth.

The caption, "The Duke and Duchess of Devonshire with portraits of the duke's ancestors at Chatsworth House", on a photograph accompanying a review of a new history of the Devonshire dynasty, puzzled some readers. As one said: "The most visible of the two paintings in the photograph is of the former Prince Regent, King George IV, not in fact a relative of the current duke." To clarify: the photograph was cropped to approximately a quarter of its original extent, thereby cutting off a vista of framed Devonshire ancestors ("Keeping up with the Devonshires", New Review, last week, page 38).

"Middle-age obesity 'will lead to a surge in dementia cases'" (News, 12 May, page 22) referred to Tim Marsh of UK Health Reform, rather than UK Health Forum; and neurocriminologist Adrian Raine is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, not Philadelphia, as we had it in "Welcome to the world of neurocriminology" (New Review, 12 May, page 14).

Write to Stephen Pritchard, Readers' Editor, the Observer, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU, tel 020 3353 4656 or email © 2013 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds