
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

BofA: A 'New Berlin Wall' Has Been Erected In Europe

The relative calm in recent weeks belies the huge distortions that continue to plague the global economy and markets.

Michael Hartnett, Bank of America Merrill Lynch's Chief Investment Strategist, recently published a report loaded with unconventional charts intended to communicate how the world is changing.

In a slide titled "The new Berlin Wall," Hartnett presented this chart showing how German bond and stock prices have surged as the young people in Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain have suffered.

Many consider this a reflection of how the euro has failed those in its currency bloc.

berlin wall germany europe

Unfortunately, Hartnett sees a very similar trend within in the U.S. where stock and bond prices have rebounded sharply benefiting the investing class even as increasing numbers of Americans watch from the sidelines.

"Risk is bubbles and Robin Hood policies that curtail the demand and supply of credit," wrote Hartnett.

wall street main street

SEE ALSO: Sobering Presentation Reveals The Two Economies In America >

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