
Friday, April 19, 2013

Greek farm shootings highlight migrants' plight

An immigrant worker recovering from a leg gunshot wound is seen in makeshift housing provided for them at a strawberry plantation near the village of Manolada about 260 kilometers (160 miles) west of Athens. on Thursday, April 18, 2013. Greek officials are promising "swift and exemplary" punishment for three plantation foremen accused of shooting and wounding 29 Bangladeshi workers who were protesting over pay arrears. Authorities have arrested the owner of the farm near the village of Manolada, about 260 kilometres (160 miles) southwest of Athens. On Thursday, they arrested a local man on suspicion of hiding the three fugitive gunmen. (AP Photo/ Eurokinissi/ Antonis Nikolopoulos) GREECE OUTATHENS, Greece (AP) — After months of pressing the strawberry plantation over pay, the Bangladeshi migrant laborers gathered in the field hoping that a deal was near. Instead, foremen peppered them with gunfire, wounding 28.