
Friday, February 1, 2013

Conservative councillor suspended for alleged racism against Muslims

Chris Joannides, a councillor in Enfield, is said to have compared women in burqas to rubbish bags

A Conservative councillor has been suspended and is under investigation after allegedly making anti-Muslim comments and sectarian remarks on a social media website, The Guardian has learned.

Chris Joannides's Facebook page contained material comparing Muslim women who wear the burqa to rubbish bags. Another post included sexual remarks in a discussion about a flasher, and a comment that his work as a councillor was getting in the way of his social life.

Joannides is a councillor in Enfield, north London.

News of the incident comes as the Conservative party leader, David Cameron, considers measures to try and increase the low levels of support the party receives from ethnic minority voters. The Conservatives are trying to shed their "nasty" party image and appear more inclusive.

His fellow Conservative councillors decided to suspend Joannides over the comments, which are being investigated.

Over a picture of a woman and child dressed in burqas, with a black bin bag either side of them, Joannides appeared to have written: "I saw her standing there and I told her she had three beautiful children.

"She didn't have to get all pissed off and threaten me … an honest mistake."

In another posting he appears to have "liked" a picture of an Arab woman holding her injured child.

In a discussion about a flasher, who was reported to have exposed himself to a school girl and a woman, Joannides allegedly wrote: "If I was the flasher I would take the Chippendales's out my business [sic] with my package. In fact it may be hazardous to some senior citizens."

In other discussions he appears irritated by his work as a councillor. One post says: "Please inbox the latest scores. I'll be surfing on fb [Facebook] during the resident's meeting."

Another post says: "It's Friday night and I've just finished attending a resident's meeting … I expect to be rewarded at the ballot box for my service to the community which is eating my social life."

Joannides's Facebook page is also alleged to contain sectarian material which could offend those of Turkish-Cypriot heritage. He is Greek Cypriot and the borough of Enfield is home to thousands from both communities.

A complaint has also been made to the Metropolitan police and Joannides may face disciplinary action from his fellow Conservative councillors.

In a statement, Michael Lavender, leader of the Conservative group: "On 15th January I was made aware of the details of a complaint regarding material on Cllr Joannides' Facebook page. Copies of the materials were sought and obtained and a meeting took place on 17th January with Cllr Joannides.

"At that meeting Cllr Joannides was suspended from the group with immediate effect."

"The next full meeting of the group was on 28th January. At that meeting a decision was taken to reaffirm the suspension, pending full consideration of the matter at an emergency meeting of the group. The group is currently making arrangements to fix the date for that group meeting."

An Enfield Council spokesperson said: "Enfield Council has received a complaint, which it is currently investigating. It would be inappropriate to comment further at this stage."

The Facebook page now appears to have been removed.

Azad Ali, chair of the Muslim Safety Forum, said: "This is a shocking example of institutionalised and normalised

Islamophobia. We expect the Conservative party to take a robust stand against this behaviour and prove that their drive to engage with black minority ethnic communities isn't tokenistic.

"Further we will follow up with the Metropolitan Police Service and see that full weight of the law is applied."

Joannides did not return email and phone requests for comment. © 2013 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds