
Saturday, January 19, 2013

March protests immigrant's slaying in Greece

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Several thousand people marched through central Athens on Saturday to protest a spate of anti-immigrant attacks in Greece, including the fatal stabbing of a 27-year-old Pakistani immigrant by suspected right-wing extremists.

Greece has been suffering a surge in anti-immigration sentiment during its 3-year-old economic crisis, which has demolished living standards and led to high unemployment.

Golden Dawn, the ultra-right party running on an explicitly anti-immigrant platform, entered Parliament for the first time last June, polling nearly 7 percent of the vote and capitalizing on locals' resentment over a largely uncontrolled influx of immigrants that they blame for rising joblessness and crime.

[...] police sources said the suspects had taken off their motorbike's license plate and that a search of one of the suspect's houses found Golden Dawn pamphlets and that several knives turned up in both their homes.