
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Letters: The 2011 census, foreign-born residents and losing our religion

The analysis of the 2011 census can be misleading if all foreign-born residents are classified as immigrants, including migrant workers, staff of multinationals, tourists and visitors (We're different now, 12 December). It would also be helpful if we knew how many of our own citizens have emigrated and worked abroad since the 2001 census.

The young EU workers I have spoken to say they need to come to the UK to improve their English to ensure they get the best jobs in their home countries. They often say the price of property and rents make the UK an unattractive place for permanent settlement. We should appreciate – apart from the economic gain – that these foreign workers have been educated and trained at no expense to us. I remind people who complain that the British empire moved millions around the world in the name of profit. We took over 25% of the world without the consent of the native peoples. On a positive note, all the foreign residents I have spoken say they are enjoying their time with us because British people are friendly and kind to them.
Bill Coughlan
Chelmsford, Essex

• Jonathan Freedland says the census "confirms our place as perhaps the most godless country, the least 'churched', in the industrialised world, setting us apart from the US, obviously, but also from much of continental Europe". Even the US is changing, with a recent Pew survey showing 20% with no religious affiliation. But we are not much out of line in Europe, where an EU survey has recently shown that 23% of people across all 27 member states are atheist or agnostic. In that survey the UK scores 32%, but the Czech Republic (59%), the Netherlands (49%), Sweden (43%) Estonia and France (both 37%) all have higher rates of non-belief. At the opposite end of the scale are Ireland and Portugal (both 7%), Italy (6%), Poland (5%), Bulgaria, Greece and Malta (all 3%), and Cyprus and Romania (both 0%).
David Pollock
Past president, European Humanist Federation

• So on the same day it is reported from the census that a quarter of people state that they have no religion (Religion, race and mortgages, 12 December), Andrew Selous MP argues against gay marriage because "… this country will be passing a law that is directly contrary to what Jesus said about marriage in Mark chapter 10 and Matthew chapter 19" (Ukip plans to derail PM over gay marriage, 12 December). I hope that quarter rises pretty quickly.
Kevin Smith
Brighton, East Sussex

• Your editorial (12 December) says that the number of people with a degree is now greater than those with no educational qualification. In fact, the comment only holds true for the south of England. London, and the east, south-east and south-west regions have more people with degrees than people with no qualifications, with London at the top with more than twice as many with degrees as unqualified. The lowest regions are all in the north and Midlands, with the north-east lying bottom with a ratio of 0.84 of those with degrees as compared with those with no qualifications. Something for policy-makers to look at if they want a more balanced economy.
Frank Neale
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