
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Chronicle News Services

Suicide bombers armed with rockets attacked the military section of a Pakistani airport in the city of Peshawar on Saturday, killing four civilians and wounding more than 30 others, officials said.

Coast guard officials found the bodies of 18 people who were trying to cross illegally into Greece from Turkey when their boat capsized Friday near the island of Lesvos.

Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi, a top Iranian military commander, warned Turkey against stationing NATO antimissile systems on its territory, saying such a move risks war with Syria, state TV reported Saturday.

On Friday, the Pentagon said it will send Patriot missiles and 400 troops to Turkey as part of a larger NATO force to protect Turkish territory from potential Syrian missile attacks.

8 Helicopter crash: A navy helicopter crashed Saturday in Nigeria's oil-rich southern delta, killing a state governor and five other people, officials said.