
Sunday, November 11, 2012

James McClean's decision not to wear poppy was his own, say Sunderland

• McClean did not wear one on jersey during defeat to Everton
• 'It was James' personal choice,' says Sunderland statement

Sunderland have confirmed that James McClean's decision not to wear a Remembrance Day poppy on his shirt was a personal one.

The Northern Ireland-born Republic of Ireland international was included in the team which started Saturday's 2-1 defeat at Everton but did not wear the same shirt as the rest of his team-mates. But the club have insisted the decision was McClean's alone.

A statement said: "As a club, SAFC wholeheartedly supports the Remembrance commemorations. It was James' personal choice not to wear a shirt on this occasion."

The 23-year-old's decision sparked a flurry of Twitter activity, with some users condemning him and others coming out in support of his right to choose. McClean is due to meet up with his Republic team-mates for Wednesday night's friendly against Greece in Dublin on Sunday. © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds