
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bulgarian archaeologists find golden treasures in ancient Thracian tomb

Tiara, snake-head bracelets and gold buttons among artefacts from Getae burial site near northern village of Sveshtari

Bulgarian archaeologists have discovered bracelets with snake heads, a tiara with animal motifs and a horse-head piece in a hoard of ancient golden artefacts unearthed during excavations at a Thracian tomb in the north of country.

The artefacts have been dated to the end of the fourth or the beginning of the third century BC. They were found in the biggest of 150 ancient tombs of the Getae people, a Thracian tribe that was in contact with the Hellenistic world.

The hoard also yielded a golden ring, 44 female figures depictions and 100 golden buttons.

"These are amazing findings from the apogee of the rule of the Getae," said Diana Gergova, head of the archaeologist team and a renown researcher of Thracian culture with the Sofia-based National Archaeology Institute.

"From what we see up to now, the tomb may be linked with the first known Getic ruler, Cothelas," said Gergova, whose team has been working at the site, the ancient Getic burial complex near the village of Sveshtari, about 248 miles north-east from Sofia.

One of the tombs there, known as the Tomb of Sveshtari, is included in the Unesco World Heritage List for its unique architectural decor showing half-human, half-plant female figures and painted murals.

The Thracians, ruled by a powerful warrior aristocracy wealthy for their gold treasures, inhabited an area extending over modern Romania and Bulgaria, northern Greece and the European part of Turkey, from as early as 4,000BC.

They lived on the fringes of the Greek and Roman civilisations, often intermingling and clashing with the more advanced cultures until they were absorbed, in about the year 45, into the Roman empire. Archaeologists have discovered a large number of artefacts in Bulgaria's Thracian tombs in recent decades, providing most of what is known of their culture since they had no written language and left no enduring records. © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds