
Monday, October 1, 2012

Women's Library: rescued or abducted?

LSE may think it has stepped in to rescue the Women's Library (Report, 29 September), but more than 12,000 people who have signed the petition consider it to be more of an abduction. We do not imagine LSE will harm the unique collections, just as the British Museum has cared for the Elgin marbles. However, the many items that individual women and women's organisations have donated to the library belong in the purpose-designed building in Old Castle Street, just as the Elgin marbles belong in Greece. Sadly, many significant stakeholders have only just been brought into the campaign. We have written letters to London Met and LSE asking them to delay the process and allow us to put an alternative bid together. They have so far refused. Some of the original bidders were willing to take on the building; that would indeed have been a rescue. I ask readers to contact London Met and LSE and to add to our pleas that the process be delayed for a few months. We're convinced we can put together a real rescue that will keep the unique collections where they belong.
Wendy Davis
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