
Friday, October 19, 2012

Letters: Why we will be marching tomorrow for a future that works

The dean of St Paul's Cathedral, David Ison, pointed out that Jesus's protest in the Jerusalem temple appears to be the only occasion on which he took radical direct action (Letters, 16 October). This is true. Jesus engaged with the rich and powerful in direct conversation and offered all people the chance to change. Five members of Christianity Uncut were dragged by police from the steps of St Paul's in February, as we knelt in prayer during the Occupy eviction. We later wrote to the cathedral authorities to request a meeting "in a spirit of love and respect". They refused to meet us. We are pleased the cathedral has hosted debates on economics and raised funds to support people in poverty. Sadly, the cathedral has not moved beyond debates to taking a stand on specific issues or challenging the government's cuts. Indeed, the cathedral has accepted money from Goldman Sachs. As St Augustine put it, "Charity is no substitute for justice withheld".

It was in this context that Christianity Uncut, along with Occupy London, organised a dignified and peaceful act of witness both inside and outside St Paul's on Sunday. Such acts would be unnecessary if the cathedral's leadership were willing to listen to those who challenge them. Jesus, whether in calm conversation or direct action, sided with the poor and marginalised. He began his ministry by declaring he had "come to bring good news to the poor".

Many churches seek to follow his example. Far more need to do so, at a time when the government is punishing the poor for the sins of the rich. This Saturday, thousands of Christians will join people of other religions and none in marching for an alternative future. We hope the clergy of St Paul's will be among them.
Siobhan Grimes and Symon Hill
Christianity Uncut

• Europe is plunging deeper into crisis. Its governments are continuing with their failed austerity policies in spite of the ever-increasing struggles of the peoples of Europe in defence of the social and economic gains made over many decades. The economic crisis has increasingly become a social and political crisis as people face poverty, hunger and even death. Those who oppose austerity must work together to reject policies which leave the majority of our populations in hardship and misery. That is why we have come to London and tomorrow we will march on the TUC demonstration, A Future that Works, alongside the people of this country, against austerity and for a future that works.
Stefanos Samoilis MP Syriza, Greece
Marisa Mathias MEP Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal
Florian Wilde Die Linke, Germany
Elisabeth Gauthier French Communist party
Giorgos Charisis ADEDY union federation, Greece
Haralambos Kokkinos Vice-president, DOE, Greece
Dimitris Gkinis OLME union, Greece
Annick Coupe Solidaire union, France
Dominique Giannotti FSU union, France
Alfons Bech Comissions Obreres of Catalonia, Spain
Anders Svensson Welfare not Profit, Sweden
Verveine Angeli Attac, France
Christian Pigeon SUD PTT, France
Nicolas Galepides SUD PTT France
Fred Madelin SUD PTT France
Myriam Djegham Les Comités action contre l'Austérité en Europe, Belgium
Athanasios Kikinis DOE, Greece
Loukas Korfiatis OLME union, Greece
Myriam Bourgy Committee for the Abolition of Third World Debt, Belgium

• How long are the 95% of the population of the UK going to put up with a tax system which allows a company like Starbucks to pay £8.6m in tax on profits of £3bn (Report, 16 October). No wonder trade unionists and others are having to take to the streets tomorrow to protest, because if companies such as Barclays, Boots, Vodafone and Starbucks were paying the same rate of tax as those of us on PAYE, the cuts the coalition is imposing on working people would not be needed.
Peter Medhurst
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