
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Austerity has worsened Greek crisis, says institute

Institute of International Finance says politicians put desire for debt reduction ahead of efforts to spur growth

An influential group of international banks and insurers has attacked political leaders in Europe over their handling of the Greek crisis, arguing that the single minded pursuit of austerity has made the situation worse.

The Institute of International Finance, which last year brokered a deal between Greece and international bond investors to halve Greece's private debts, said politicians are playing a dangerous game putting their desire for debt reduction ahead of co-ordinated efforts to spur growth.

Charles Dallara, the institute's chairman, said the world's major economies needed to co-ordinate their efforts or risk persistent instability and low growth.

Dallara, who was speaking ahead of the International Monetary Fund gathering in Tokyo next week, said governments were acting against their best interests by rejecting multilateral agreement on economic and regulatory reforms in favour of pursuing go-it-alone policies.

Dallara said: "The international financial community has a collective interest in reducing the uncertainty that currently surrounds the global economic outlook. If we want to lay the basis for a durable global economic expansion, then we need to see more concerted action by the world's policymakers."

European policymakers are expected to come under fire at the IMF for their failure bring an end to the current crisis, which has triggered riots in Portugal, Spain and Greece.

Spain is poised to apply for a bailout from the European Union and the IMF that could amount to €400bn. Cyprus is expected to ask for an £11bn bailout within days.

The uncertainty surrounding the finances of key European nations has added to the instability, Dallara said.

Central banks have flooded the world's financial systems with cheap funds to foster lending to businesses and households while banks rebuild their finances, but a disjointed and often contradictory response to financial regulation meant much of the funds were not reaching their destination.

"The world economy appears to be stuck at the crossroads, being pushed in one direction by easier monetary policy, and pulled in another by fiscal austerity," he said.

The situation in Greece is of particular concern, he said, where unemployment has rocketed and poverty increased dramatically.

The institute said the interest rate demanded by Brussels as the price of Athens' rescue package should be cut to lessen the burden and allow the country to recover.

"It is urgent to complete the ongoing review of Greece's programme, with an extension of the time schedule of budget deficit targets. The latter can and could be accommodated without additional new financing by lowering interest charges on official credits in line with markedly reduced funding costs," he said.

Portugal's political consensus is also crumbling under the weight of austerity measures that have pushed the economy into a long depression.

Portugese unions have called for a general strike on 14 November after the government announced a new basket of tax rises and spending cuts, after withdrawing the previous batch following violent protests.

The European Central Bank said that a rescue package for Spain would not include "punitive" costs, as it kept base rates at 0.75%.

ECB president, Mario Draghi, hinted that he preferred to keep some of his armoury in reserve in case the economic situation for the 17-member eurozone deteriorates further.

Draghi said he stood ready to launch the ECB's latest sovereign bond buying scheme, which offers individual countries the opportunity to sell their bonds at low interest rates to remain solvent, but he has yet to receive any applications.

But as if to exemplify the splits inside the eurozone, German finance minister Wolgang SchaĆ¼ble insisted that austerity measures be in place before the release of bailout funds. SchaĆ¼ble, who has a reputation as a fiscal hardliner, has previously blocked attempts to ease controls and cut interest rates on country's struggling with their debts.

Dallara said a small group of key G20 nations, including the US and Japan should co-ordinate their efforts to tackle fundamental problems to spur growth.

"We call on the global policymaking leadership to act cohesively and give a clear direction. The international private financial community stands ready to do its part and cooperate, with its usual responsibility, with the official sector," he said. © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds