
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Italian politics: Pig’s head masks and togas

WAS it the pig’s head masks that did for her? Or the togas and laurel wreaths? On September 24th Renata Polverini, the governor of Lazio, the region around Rome, resigned because of a scandal which, by Italian standards, was almost routine. It had emerged that the former regional parliamentary leader of her party, the conservative People of Freedom (PdL) movement, founded by Silvio Berlusconi, Franco Fiorito, was under investigation, suspected of draining more than €1m ($1.3m) from PdL coffers. That is more than an internal matter, since most funding for political groups in Italy comes from the taxpayer.What made this scandal special was the grotesque detail. The pig’s head masks were worn by some of the guests at a party with an ancient Greek theme held in Rome for some 2,000 people by Carlo de Romanis, a young Lazio parliamentarian for the PdL. No connection has yet been established between the embezzlement and the revels, which Mr de Romanis says he funded out of his own pocket. But when photographs appeared of the guests quaffing from amphorae and feeding each other grapes they seemed to bear out the electorate’s worst imaginings of an excessively decadent political caste. Mr Fiorito, who boasts a girth and overbearing confidence that would have done credit to one of Rome’s more self-indulgent emperors, claims others behaved far worse. Allegations have been made that...