
Monday, July 2, 2012

Robert Kuttner: Mitigating Merkel's Mischief

Merkel, characteristically, still opposes any respite for the suffering Greeks. It is up to the rest of Europe to isolate her again so that she can reverse course citing changed circumstances. Nor is Merkel willing to seriously rein in the financial speculation against government bonds that turns moderate budgetary problems into dire crisis. This, too, will take the resolve of wiser leaders. Until German reunification in 1990, there was a delicate balance in the European Union, in which Germany was contained within a broader democratic Europe. Germany was an economic powerhouse, but was appropriately self-restrained politically. Given German history, this was only prudent. With reunification, Germany not only became even more potent economically, but began throwing its weight around politically. As Merkel keeps proving, this was not a good idea. The rest of Europe's leaders have now restarted the necessary project of containing German influence again, and not a moment too soon.