
Sunday, July 1, 2012

ECB official: Greece must deliver '100 pct'

Greece's new government wants to lower some taxes, freeze public sector layoffs and extend by two years the mid-2014 deadline for austerity measures demanded by creditors in exchange for loans that are keeping the country afloat, conditions that are hugely unpopular in the country.

[...] ECB executive board member Joerg Asmussen told Germany's ARD television that there can be no departure from the aims of consolidating Greece's budget and restoring its competitiveness.

At a European Union summit last week, German Chancellor Angela Merkel made concessions to Italy and Spain — notably agreeing to allow countries that pledge to implement reforms demanded by the EU's executive Commission to tap rescue funds without having to go through the kind of tough austerity measures demanded of Greece.

[...] officials insist that help to struggling countries and banks will still come with strings attached, and that Germany has no intention of agreeing to share government debt through jointly issued eurobonds in the foreseeable future.