
Friday, June 22, 2012

Greek government hit by double health scare

New finance minister rushed to hospital after reportedly fainting, and PM to undergo surgery for eye problem

On a dramatic first day for the new Greek government, the finance minister reportedly fainted and was rushed to hospital, where doctors insisted he remain for at least 48 hours.

Vassilis Rapanos, 65, who is known to suffer from a longstanding illness, collapsed after complaining of dizziness, the state-run NET TV said. He underwent tests, and the Yghia clinic said his condition had stabilised but physicians recommended he not be released immediately.

Earlier it was announced that the prime minister, Antonis Samaras, who was sworn in on Wednesday, was cancelling all his appointments because a routine eye operation had found he had the early stages of a detached retina. "It was decided that it be dealt with surgically," his office said. "The operation will take place tomorrow morning."

As a result, the conservative leader was unable to attend his first parliamentary meeting, or Friday night's Euro 2012 quarter-final between Greece and Germany in Gdansk, Poland. The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, an avid supporter of her national team, travelled from a mini summit of eurozone leaders in Rome to attend the match.

Rapanos's apparent fainting spell came hours before he was due to be sworn in. He had delayed taking the oath of office to allow the outgoing finance minister, Giorgos Zanias, to represent Greece at a meeting of eurozone finance ministers in Luxembourg.

It was unclear whether the incidents would affect government policymaking. The new administration, which comprises the socialist Pasok and small Democratic Left in addition to Samaras's centre-right New Democracy, was due to outline its policy programme in parliament before receiving a vote of confidence.

Greece's troika of creditors – the EU, ECB and IMF – announced that inspectors would return to Athens on Monday. © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds