
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Greek gov't pledges to safeguard euro membership

Prominent banker Vassilis Rapanos looks on during his meeting with New Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and the heads of the two minority coalition partners, Evangelos Venizelos from the Greek Socialist PASOK party and the smaller Democratic Left's Fotis Kouvelis, in Athens, Thursday, June 21 2012. Samaras is set to announce his cabinet Thursday, a day after brokering a three-party governing coalition that ends weeks of political uncertainty in the crisis-afflicted country.All three coalition parties have promised to broadly respect Greece's pledges to undertake further harsh austerity measures and reforms, conditions demanded by European partners and the International Monetary Fund in return for more bailout loans.(AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis)Greece's new conservative-led coalition government on Thursday pledged to try and revise the country's austerity commitments to its creditors, but insisted that would not endanger ties with the rest of Europe or Greek use of the euro currency.