
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Greece swears in new prime minister

The head of Greece's conservative New Democracy party, Antonis Samaras, enters the President's office to take the mandate to form the new government in Athens on Wednesday June 20, 2012. Samaras was sworn in as prime minister Wednesday at the helm of a three-party coalition that will uphold the country’s international bailout commitments. The move ends a protracted political crisis that had cast grave doubt over the country’s future in Europe’s joint currency and threatened to plunge Europe deeper into a financial crisis with global repercussions. (AP Photo/Andreas Solaro,pool)Greece moved to end its protracted political impasse Wednesday, swearing in a new prime minister to lead a largely pro-bailout coalition tasked with saving the country's place in the eurozone and easing a European financial crisis with global repercussions.