
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Front Pages from Around the Globe

Greece's hopes of clinging to its euro membership were boosted as the pro-bailout New Democracy party clinched a slender victory Sunday in elections that were critical to efforts to hold the single currency together.

Antonis Samaras, who will now try to build a fragile coalition government, declared his country is "anchored" to the euro after his conservative party narrowly beat the left-wing Syriza party, which had threatened to renounce the bailout deal with the country's creditors.

Mental illness now accounts for almost half of all ill health among people of working age and has the same impact on life expectancy as smoking, according to a devastating report.

A panel of experts says the National Health Service is failing to provide even the most basic treatment for mental illness to millions of people.

Ireland's ill-fated European Championship adventure ended Monday as it had begun, with a two-goal defeat that served to underline how ill-equipped coach Giovanni Trapattoni's side really is for life at this level.

Egypt's ousted president, Hosni Mubarak, is reportedly in a coma after suffering a stroke in prison, fueling uncertainty in a country that faces fresh unrest and power struggles in its post-revolution era.