
Monday, June 18, 2012

Cameron urges Greece to act fast in forming new government

Delays by Greek parties would be very dangerous, British PM warns as he lands at G20 summit

David Cameron has urged the Greek political parties to form a government quickly in the wake of Sunday's elections, warning that delay could prove "very dangerous".

The prime minister was speaking as he arrived in Los Cabos in Mexico on Monday for the start of a two-day summit of G20 world leaders. Cameron held a conference call with eurozone leaders in Downing Street to discuss the Greek elections before heading to the summit.

Cameron said: "It looks as if the outcome of the Greek elections looks positive in terms of a clear commitment to staying in the eurozone and accept the terms of the memorandum, but those parties that want that to happen cannot afford to delay and position themselves. If you are a Greek political party and you want to say in the eurozone and you want to accept the consequences that follow from that in the memorandum, you have got to get on with it and help form a government to deliver that. I think delay could be very dangerous; I think that point was made on the call last night."

He did not rule out the idea of some renegotiations between the Greeks and the eurozone over the terms of the bailout, but indicated that Britain would not be a central figure in this decision since Britain is not contributing to the bailout. © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds