The US market will be bringing more tourists and more revenues to GREECE this year, according to the president of the Hellenic American Chamber of ...
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Eleftheria Astrinaki Talks to TNH about Greek Film Series
By Eleni Sakellis NEW YORK – The A.S. Onassis Program in Hellenic Studies at New York University Greek Cinema Today Spring 2017 film series began […] The post Eleftheria Astrinaki Talks to TNH about Greek Film Series appeared first on The National Herald.
COA affirms confidentiality of deposition in litigation between GREEK brothers
Constantinos and Theodore Angelopoulos are brothers and GREEK citizens who live in Greece. Their father, Panayiotis Angelopoulos, founded several ...
Brussels to cut GREEK growth forecast next month
The European Commission has revealed its intention to revise downward its estimate for the GREEK growth rate, following the economic and political ...
'My Big Fat Greek Wedding': Where Are They Now?
Fifteen years ago, a sweet film about a lonely woman and her zany Greek family became the sleeper hit of the year. Since then, there has been a sequel, a short-lived TV series, and dozens of projects for the My Big Fat Greek Wedding cast. Catch up with the ...
In Rainbows: Radiohead's Technicolor Spectacle at The GREEK
I'm a "grownup" now and do fewer drugs, but at last night's Radiohead show at Berkeley's The GREEK, I remembered that feeling of far out connection, ...
GREEK armed forces probe crash that killed four officers
The GREEK military on Wednesday was investigating the cause of a helicopter crash that killed four army officers and injured a fifth, prompting Defense ...
‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding’ Turns 15 - See the Cast Then and Now
From its humble beginnings as Nia Vardalos’s one-woman play, My Big Fat Greek Wedding took the box office by surprise when it came out 15 years ago today — on April 19, 2002 — racking up over $241 million in North America alone. A decade and a half ...
Greece set to miss budget surplus target, warns IMF
Greece is likely to fail to meet one of its most closely watched financial targets next year, according to the International Monetary Fund, raising pressure on euro area countries to ease their demands on Athens if they want the fund to join their bailout ...
IMF Forecast: Greece’s Primary Surplus Will be Under 3.5% Goal
According to assessments made by the IMF, Greece will not achieve the financial targets set by European partners for 2018 and won’t be able to until at least until 2022. Specifically, the Fund foresees that the debt-riddled country will not reach the target set in the Memorandum for the year 2018, namely a primary surplus […]
April 18 declared Chief Sam Rosa Day
GREECE Town Supervisor Bill Reilich and town board members Mike Barry, Brett Granville, Andrew Conlon and Diana Christodaro recently honored ...
Peace, Joy, Soccer: Burlingame Woman Delivers Hundreds Of Soccer Balls To Refugees In GREECE
For pretty much her entire life, Alexandra Christ has been serious about playing soccer. Still, she's never kicked a soccer ball with as much purpose as ...
Pastor and geneticist team up to search for Jesus DNA and his living relatives
For the first time in history a man of faith and a man of science are teaming up to search for Jesus’ DNA. A pastor and a geneticist will consequently search for Jesus’ descendants, that is Jesus’ living relatives. Using the latest advances in DNA technology Oxford University geneticist George Busby and biblical scholar Pastor … The post Pastor and geneticist team up to search for Jesus DNA and his living relatives appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Higher charges for passengers departing form 14 regional Fraport airports
Higher charges for passengers departing from the 14 regional airports operated by Fraport Greece go into effect as of April 11th 2017. In accordance with the provisions of the ratification law of the Greek state concession contract on departing passenger charges and with immediate effect as of April 11, 2017, departing passengers from the airports … The post Higher charges for passengers departing form 14 regional Fraport airports appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Greek gov’t says no additional measures for 2018, after IMF publishes Fiscal Monitor
With its forecast report the International Monetary Fund set the base for a new negotiation between the Fund and Greece’s European lenders, that is Berlin. In its Fiscal Monitor 2017, the IMF forecasts for Greece a gap of 2.7 billion euros for 2018. The fund estimates that the primary surplus for 2018 will be just … The post Greek gov’t says no additional measures for 2018, after IMF publishes Fiscal Monitor appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
How ‘Paths of Greece’ is Creating a Hiker’s Paradise, One Trail at a Time
Members of Paths to Greece mark routes and publicise them to keep them in use Members of Paths to Greece mark routes and publicise them to keep them in use How hard is your job? It’s a tough process. We study military maps; often we have to scour the ...
Astoria's Greg The GREEK Is New Force In Stand-Up Comedy
That's the credo of Astoria's favorite aspiring comedian whose stand-up career is about to explode. Grigorios “The GREEK” Kritikos takes his rough life ...
Condolences for death of GREEK officers
President Nicos Anastasiades on Wednesday extended condolences on behalf of Cyprus for the death of four GREEK military officers in a helicopter ...
GREEKS Face-Off in GREEK Week
This year's GREEK Week was held in Bartels dining hall this past week (April 10-14), where GREEK organizations did a series of activities throughout the ...
American, Delta, and United Airlines slam Emirates' decision to scale back service in the US (UAL, DAL, AAL)
[Emirates Airline's Airbus A380 seat]REUTERS/Chip East US airlines have responded to Emirates' announcement that it will reduce service to the US. In a statement, the Partnership for Open and Fair Skies — the lobbying organization that speaks on behalf of American, Delta, and United Airlines — said it was "laughable" that Emirates would refer to itself as a profit-oriented enterprise. Further, the partnership's chief spokesperson, Jill Zuckman, accused the Middle Eastern carriers of being instruments for "their governments' goal to dominate global aviation" and operate without regard for profitability. Here is the complete statement from Partnership for Open and Fair Skies chief spokesperson Jill Zuckman: "The fact is, market demand has never played a role when the Gulf carriers decide where to fly. It is well known that the Gulf carriers, including Emirates, lose money on most of their flights to the United States and are propped up by billions of dollars in government cash. Their business model is based on growing their networks without regard to profitability in order to serve their governments’ goals to dominate global aviation. A perfect example is Emirates’ most recent route between Athens, Greece and Newark, N.J., a money-losing flight that is only possible because of government subsidies. That Emirates would refer to itself as 'profit oriented' is simply laughable." On Wednesday, Emirates announced that it will reduce the number of flight to five of the 12 US cities it currently serves — including Boston, Los Angeles, and Seattle — because of a decrease in bookings. The Dubai, United Arab Emirates-based airline blamed the Trump administration's travel policies for the reduction in demand. This is just the latest episode in the dramatic feud between the America's three mega-carriers and the Persian Gulf's trio of heavyweights. [Airbus Emirates A380 handover ceremony]REUTERS/Christian CharisiusSince 2015, American, Delta, and United Airlines (the US3) have been complaining about competition from three huge and fast-growing Middle East-based rivals — Emirates, Etihad, and Qatar Airways (the ME3). According to the US3, the ME3's growth has been fueled by as much as $50 billion in subsidies over the past decade, allowing them to flood the international market and threaten the job security of US aviation workers. They also say the ME3 are in violation of the Open Skies agreements that govern air travel between the US and 120 nations including the UAE and Qatar. The ME3 have repeatedly denied these allegations. According to Emirates, it has reported 28 years of profitability and has returned more than $3 billion in dividends to its investors. In 2015, Emirates released a report that accused the US airlines of receiving more than $100 billion in support from the US government since 2002 in the form of government assumption of pension responsibilities, bankruptcy protection, antitrust immunity, direct grants, loan guarantees, and tax exemptions. NOW WATCH: This one room in Atlanta acts as a mission control for all of Delta's planes
Tina Fey Speaks Warmly about Andrea Martin as Greek Heritage Meets Armenian
Elizabeth Stamatina Fey, better known as Tina and Andrea Martin, executive producer and star, respectively, of NBC’s upcoming Great News (Tuesday, 9 ET/PT), have much […] The post Tina Fey Speaks Warmly about Andrea Martin as Greek Heritage Meets Armenian appeared first on The National Herald.
GREECE and Egypt fly high as growth champions
Top destinations in GREECE and Egypt have strengthened their position as this year's growth champions as Spanish islands start to fill up, the latest ...
Notable names
Justin Ciccone, 13, of GREECE, recently competed at the USA Gymnastics Regional Championships in Tinton Falls, New Jersey, as a member of Bright ...
Report: Child Refugees in Greece Forced to Sell Sex to Fund Journey Across Europe
A new Harvard University report says unaccompanied child refugees in Greece are being forced to sell sex in efforts to try to pay human traffickers to take them further along their journey across Europe. The report comes as refugees continue to risk their ...
Greece: Helena Paparizou returns with new single Haide
Her new song by Phoebus is titled Haide and is going to be released on 1 May by Universal Music in both Greek and English lyrics. Today the audience had the chance to enjoy an official teaser from Helena’s music label: It seems such an uptempo song ...
The Greek Emerald Parure
Yesterday, the Greek and Spanish royals marked the hundredth birthday of one of their most interesting family members: the late Queen Friederike of the Hellenes. Born a German princess, Friedrike was Greece's queen consort through her marriage to King Paul.
Drone magnificently captures picturesque castle-town of Karitaina, Greece
The historical village of Karytaina, the "Toledo of Greece", is where the first battle of the Greek Independence War of 1821 between the Greeks and Turks took place. Such incredible footage!
Applications open for 2017 Neighbors Farm Share program
... Victor; Peacework Organic CSA, Rochester and Newark; Porter Farms, Brighton, Brockport, Chili, GREECE, Irondequoit, Penfield and Rochester; and ...
Vote on reinstating suspended sorority contains extra incentives for GREEK Life
A vote will be held to potentially reinstate the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, which has been suspended from Ohio State since 2015. | Credit: Lantern ...
Special election for GREEK senator announced
This week, the Senate approved a handbook for special election rules for the GREEK senator position, specifically for the Interfraternity Council seat.
Industrial Style Bar with an Urban Mediterranian Fusion in Greece
The bar combines clever cocktails, high-quality coffee along with Mediterranean flavors coming from Italian and greek traditional food. Its name is borrowed from the famous Felini’s Otto E Mezzo film. Industrial, urban, and clearly informed by ...
66% of Athens’ Citizens Say Migrants Don’t Cause Problems
Approximately 18,000 refugees are now in Athens, the mayor of the Greek capital Giorgos Kaminis on Wednesday said during the presentation of the Hellenic Observatory’s surveys. The three surveys were carried out at the Eleonas accommodation centre as well as apartments rented to migrants. According to the surveys, a 66 percent of the citizens of […]
Higher Departing Passenger Charges for 14 Regional Airports Operated by Fraport Greece
In accordance with the provisions of the ratification law of the Greek state concession contract on departing passenger charges and with immediate effect as of April 11, 2017, departing passengers from the airports of Aktion, Zakynthos, Thessaloniki, Kavala, Kerkyra (Corfu), Kefalonia, Kos, Mykonos, Rhodes, Samos, Santorini, Skiathos & Chania are subject to charges per passenger […]
Creditors’ Structural Reforms: Donkeys in Crete get license plates
Donkeys in Crete will get license plates. They will not carry their registration number on their head or their rump. The number that will allow them to wander around will be engraved on one of the four hoofs, I heard this morning on a Greek television channel. Donkeys with license plates is a Greek measure … The post Creditors’ Structural Reforms: Donkeys in Crete get license plates appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Harvard report: Unaccompanied child refugees fall victim of exploitation and abuse
Unaccompanied child refugees in Greece desperate to reach Britain and other parts of northern Europe are being forced to sell their bodies for sex in order to pay smugglers to help them with their journeys, a report from Harvard University claims. The report, from Dr Vasileia Digidiki and Prof Jacqueline Bhabha at the university’s centre … The post Harvard report: Unaccompanied child refugees fall victim of exploitation and abuse appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Spain has the EU’s third highest rate of child poverty, after Romania and Greece
After the economic crisis and years of austerity, child poverty is on the rise in wealthy countries, according to Unicef. In Spain, the proportion of children living below the poverty line increased by nine percentage points between 2008 and 2014, to reach almost 40%. In Greece, one in four children live in poverty. While child … The post Spain has the EU’s third highest rate of child poverty, after Romania and Greece appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Guest Post: Europe’s Austerity economics, Say it with a Tulip
What is happening to Europe of austerity? Difficult to explain. Cheshire Cat has a post about it. Calvinomics I have given up using economics to explain the rationality behind what happens in Europe. ‘European values’, as represented by every treaty since Maastricht 1992, are the rules and order of ordoliberalism. 17th Century Tulip Security Arrangements … The post Guest Post: Europe’s Austerity economics, Say it with a Tulip appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Greece: Greece data snapshot (17 Apr 2017)
… in Greece (Jan - Apr 2017): 4,796 Total arrivals in Greece …
IMF Won't Commit to Greek Bailout Fund Without More Reforms
… quarter of Greek workers were made unemployed. IMF projects Greek debt to … , when Greece was nearly pushed out of the Eurozone. Greece needs a … of Greece's prolonged economic strife, the triangular struggle between Greece …
BRIEF-Intercontinental International acquires a commercial building in Volos, Greece for 3.75 million euros
April 19 Intercontinental International Real Estate Investment Company SA:* Acquires a commercial building in Volos for 3.75 million euros ($4.02 million) * Says the building will be leased to B&F which owns the trademarks "BSB" and " …
'I want nothing to do with investing' in Europe, contrarian Mark Grant says
The chief strategist at Hilltop Securities cites a series of concerns in Britain, France, Italy, and GREECE. Grant says there's "too much risk in Europe," at a ...
Every time someone says family in the new 'Fast and the Furious' movie broken down by character
[dom cipher]Matt Kennedy/Universal Pictures WARNING: THERE ARE SOME SPOILERS AHEAD FOR "THE FATE OF THE FURIOUS." "The Fate of the Furious" broke records opening weekend, surpassing "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" to have the largest box-office opening ever with $532.5 million worldwide. A lot of that has to do with the franchise's transition from street-racing movie to a series of heist films centered around family. If you take a look back at each film, the message of taking care of and protecting your family is increasingly at the heart of the movies, and it's not just in the story. The word family is increasingly more prevalent in the sequels. INSIDER tracked every time the word is said throughout the series, including the latest installment, and found 44 instances when the word family is used. 2001's "The Fast and the Furious" includes the word twice, both times said by people who aren't even in Dom's family. That number slowly increases over time. The eighth film in the series, "The Fate of the Furious," contains the most uses of the word family so far of any installment. Upon a second viewing of the film, INSIDER counted the word onscreen 14 times, said by a total of seven characters. Here's a quick breakdown of how the word family is used across all eight movies in the franchise to date. Notice that it doesn't appear once in "2 Fast 2 Furious," the only film in which Vin Diesel doesn't make an appearance. [fast and the furious times family said]Kirsten Acuna/INSIDER The breakdown of how many times "family" is said in "The Fate of the Furious" is a lot more interesting when you see who uses the word the most throughout the movie. While you may think that honor would go to Dominic Toretto (Diesel) or one of his crew members, that's not the case. [times people say family in fate of the furious]Kirsten Acuna/INSIDER The "unnamed girl in Cuba" refers to the girl who kicks off the street race in Cuba at the film's start. She says the word family in Spanish on screen. [cuba race fate of the furious.JPG]Matt Kennedy/Universal Pictures However, the real eye-catcher is that Charlize Theron's villain, Cipher, says the word "family" more than any character in "Fate," including the film's patriarch, Dom. The terrorist hacker constantly discusses family while blackmailing Toretto. We don't get any sense of Cipher's family in the eighth film, and it makes me wonder whether we'll learn more about them in a sequel. If you've seen the latest installment to the "Fast" franchise, it's clear Cipher should be around for awhile. At the end of "Fate," her character makes a grand escape out of a plane before she can be brought to justice. Mr. Nobody (Kurt Russell) says there may have been a spotting of her in Athens, Greece. [fate of furious dom cipher]Matt Kennedy/Universal Pictures Her dialogue in the film with Dom about family makes me wonder whether or not Cipher lost her family in some huge way. Perhaps she harbors some jealousy against Dom's family because he has such a large and loving group of people in his life while she has none. We've broken down every line of dialogue where we heard the word family in "The Fate of the Furious" below, so you can see what we mean about Cipher. HERE'S A FULL BREAKDOWN OF EVERY TIME WE HEARD THE WORD FAMILY WHILE WATCHING: * "Are you ready for this my family?" — the young woman who kicks off the race in Cuba * "You're about to shatter your family." — Cipher to Dom * "That's the best thing in your life — family." — Cipher to Dom * "I don't care about your little family." — Deckard Shaw to Dom's crew once he starts working with them * "Body's not even cold. Your family's already replacing you." — Cipher to Dom * "Dom, you gonna turn your back on family? Just like that?"— Letty to Dom * "I know family is so important to you." — Cipher to Dom * "This idea of family that is so core to you ..." — Cipher to Dom * "... then I took your son to start a family." — part of a larger monologue Cipher delivers to Dom * "He's our family and our family don't die." — Helen Mirren's character Magdalene Shaw to her son, Deckard * "You heard me say you never turn your back on family, thanks for not turning your back on me." — Dom at the film's end to the group * "Thank you for giving us family." — Dom giving grace around the table at the film's very end Family is also heard two more times in trailers for the film by the Rock's Luke Hobbs. Personally, I don't recall hearing these additions in the final cut of the movie. [fate of the furious]Universal * "This crew's about family." * "We've only got one chance to make this family whole again." You can check out our previous roundup of 33 times "family" has been said in "The Fast and the Furious" franchise below. Youtube Embed: Width: 560px Height: 315px _Did we miss any mentions of family? Email me at NOW WATCH: Here's how 'The Fate of the Furious' spent its $250 million budget
Emirates is cutting flights to the US because of Trump's travel policies
[Emirates Airbus A380]Emirates On Wednesday, Emirates announced plans to reduce service to the US amid fallout from the Trump administration's more restrictive travel policies. The Dubai, United Arab Emirates-based airline says it will cut down on the number of flights to five of the 12 cities it serves in the US. Starting May 1, flights to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, will be reduced from daily flights to five flights a week. The airline says it will make the same cuts to its Orlando, Florida, service starting May 23. Starting June 1 and 2, Seattle and Boston service will be reduced to a single daily flight from two previously. Finally, beginning July 1, Emirates' twice-daily service to Los Angeles will be cut down to a single flight. "This is a commercial decision in response to weakened travel demand to US," an airline representative told Business Insider. "The recent actions taken by the US government relating to the issuance of entry visas, heightened security vetting, and restrictions on electronic devices in aircraft cabins have had a direct impact on consumer interest and demand for air travel into the US." Emirates said it had been experiencing steady US growth in the years before President Donald Trump took office but had seen a "significant deterioration" of bookings for US flights over the past three months. This fall in demand occurred concurrent with the Trump administration's travel restrictions covering several majority-Muslim countries (but not the United Arab Emirates), stricter visa regulations, and a carry-on laptop ban on some flights from the Middle East and North Africa. This should come as welcome news for America's three legacy carriers. Since 2015, American, Delta, and United Airlines (the US3) have been complaining about competition from the three Middle East-based rivals — Emirates, Etihad, and Qatar Airways (the ME3). According to the US3, the ME3's growth has been supported by their respective governments and fueled by as much as $50 billion in subsidies over the past decade, allowing them to flood the international market and threaten the job security of US aviation workers. They also say the ME3 are in violation of the Open Skies agreements that govern air travel between the US and 120 nations including the UAE and Qatar. These allegations were the focal point of a rally held in March by United Airlines, its employees, and members of Congress in protest of Emirates' new daily service between Newark Liberty International Airport and Athens, Greece. In reference to the US3, Emirates called today's decision a response "any profit-oriented enterprise" would make. Abu Dhabi, UAE-based Etihad told Business Insider on Wednesday that it has no plans to reduce service to the US. Beyond the US3, there are signs that the period of unfettered growth on the part of the ME3 is nearing its end. The Gulf carriers boast the largest fleet of wide-body, long-haul airliners in the world. However, some industry observers are concerned that the ME3 have more capacity on hand than viable destinations with sufficient demand to support its flights. Here's Emirates' statement in its entirety: "Emirates can confirm that we will be reducing flights to five of the 12 US cities we currently serve. From 1 May and 23 May respectively, our Fort Lauderdale and Orlando operations will move from daily services to five a week. From 1 and 2 June respectively, our Seattle and Boston operations will move from twice-daily services, to a daily service. From 1 July, our operations to Los Angeles will move from twice-daily to a daily service. "This is a commercial decision in response to weakened travel demand to US. The recent actions taken by the US government relating to the issuance of entry visas, heightened security vetting, and restrictions on electronic devices in aircraft cabins, have had a direct impact on consumer interest and demand for air travel into the US. "Until the start of 2017, Emirates' operations in the US have seen healthy growth and performance, driven by customer demand for our high quality product and our international flight connections. However, over the past 3 months, we have seen a significant deterioration in the booking profiles on all our US routes, across all travel segments. Emirates has therefore responded as any profit-oriented enterprise would, and we will redeploy capacity to serve demand on other routes on our global network. "We will closely monitor the situation with the view to reinstate and grow our US flight operations as soon as viable. Emirates is committed to our US operations and will continue to serve our 12 American gateways — New York JFK, Newark, Boston, Washington DC, Chicago, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston, Dallas, Fort Lauderdale, and Orlando — with 101 flight departures per week, connecting these cities to Dubai and our global network of over 150 cities." NOW WATCH: This guy used a frequent-flyer loophole to take a $60,000 trip in a first-class suite on Emirates
Eurostat: GREEK Inflation Rate at 1.7% in March
The GREEK annual inflation rate was 1.7 pct in March from 1.4 pct in February, Eurostat said on Wednesday. The EU executive's statistics office said ...
Planets and Their Languages
And yet, holy Moses: The identity-politics-ese that some students speak is absolute GREEK to me. I do try to keep up. I read Twitter and all. But this stuff ...
IMF may scupper GREEK bailout due to debt fears
“If GREEK debts are not sustainable based on IMF rules and reasonable parameters, we will not take part in the program,” Ms Lagarde told Die Welt, the ...
GREEK political leaders express condolences over deadly military helicopter crash
In another e-mailed statement, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said "The loss of four officers of the GREEK armed forces in the line of duty caused great ...
Ellinair Announces New Georgia Flights to Popular GREEK Destinations
The flights will be performed once a week on Thursdays from June 15 to September 14, the low-case GREEK airline said. Also, all travelers will have the ...
'My Big Fat GREEK Wedding' Turns 15: Lainie Kazan Reveals Funny Moment That Wasn't in the ...
"My Big Fat GREEK Wedding" turns 15 today and TooFab caught up with Lainie Kazan -- the actress who played our favorite strong-minded, ...
Fresno, CA, to Commemorate Greek Asia Minor Genocide
By Vasilis Papoutsis FRESNO, CA – On May 19 in Fresno, CA, the Greek community will commemorate the victims of the Greek Genocide known as […] The post Fresno, CA, to Commemorate Greek Asia Minor Genocide appeared first on The National Herald.