Monday, July 21, 2014
Greek primary budget surplus at 707 mln in first half of 2014
Man arrested in Lamia for firing shotgun at police
A lifeline for addicts at a time of crisis
Hardouvelis reminds fellow ministers of tasks before troika return in September
Retail chief unimpressed by results of Sunday opening
Greek current account swings into deficit in May
Cypriots commemorate 1974 Turkish military action
NICOSIA, July 20 (Xinhua) -- Greek Cypriots were woken up by the blood-chilling wailing of sirens 5:20 at dawn on Sunday reminding them of the start of a Turkish military action 40 years ago that radically changed the facade of Cyprus and gave rise to one of the most intractable international problems.
To commemorate the event, Greek Cypriots organized solemn church services in memory thousands of people killed in several days of fighting and in air attacks.
The problem took shape when Turkish troops landed on the eastern Mediterranean island at dawn on July 20, 1974, in reaction to a coup staged five days earlier by the military junta then ruling Greece.
Turkey military intervened and controlled the north of Cyprus. In 1983, the Turkish Cypriot authorities declared breakaway and set up "the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus", which is recognized only by Turkey.
Cyprus's Defence Minister appeal to put pressure on Turkey
NICOSIA, July 20 (Xinhua) -- Cyprus's Defence Minister Christoforos Phokaides appeal to the international community and the Europe Union to exert pressure on Turkey.
To commemorate the Turkish military action in 1974, Greek Cypriots organized solemn church services in memory thousands of people killed in several days of fighting and in air attacks.
"The time has come to put an end to this aberration of having an EU member state under occupation", Phokaides said at the memorial service for the fallen during the Turkish military action, organized by the National Guard and the Defence Ministry, at the Tomb of Makedonitissa.
He asked from the international community and powerful countries to put their leverage on Turkey, reminding Ankara that it must honor its obligations in view of its bid to enter the EU, according to Cyprus News Agency.
There is substantial hope that we will be able to reverse the impasse this time, and that the current process of negotiations will lead to a functioning and viable compromise, Phokaides said.
Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkey militarily intervened and controlled the north of Cyprus following a coup on the island by some Greek military officers.
In 1983, the Turkish Cypriot authorities declared breakaway and set up "the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus", which is recognized only by Turkey.